They Make It Look Easy!
Think of your favorite musician or movie star. What do you see? Do they look confident?
People who get to the top of their profession display confidence. They have a plan, take time to prepare, and expend energy on activities that help them reach their goals. Therefore, they are confident. They can visualize what they are going to do.
Having a vision of your future is extremely important. You need to see your goal in your mind before attaining it.
Vision is not the only thing you need. You must execute the actions that will get results. You must be proactive and do the right things to make your vision come true.
Along the way, you will gain confidence. Self-confidence is what you see in that movie star, skilled musician, and highly effective leader. They are confident because of self-discipline principles. Others may influence their lives, but the self-confident person must be actively involved.
The American philosopher and writer William James said, “I will act as if what I do makes a difference.”
If you have self-confidence, others will notice. However, with confidence, you must get results. A leader who appears confident in their actions and gets exceptional results has the best chance of getting others excited about goals. Others will follow and target the leader’s objectives.
Usually, people are not excited about following an ineffective leader.
If you want to be confident in your actions, it will take time and the right actions. The best results and achievements come from hard work. William James was confident in his research and writing because of his commitment to excellence. Each of us has an opportunity to improve, get results, and become more confident. It may be challenging, but fulfilling a personal vision is worth it.
Mentoring Perspective:
Provide your mentee with opportunities to observe confident people. Talk about confidence and get your mentee’s perspective when you see confidence.
Teach preparation skills that will lead to self-confidence.
Find out about your mentee’s interests. Brainstorm with them ways to execute actions to make their dreams come true. How can they improve their skill level? Identifying and practicing essential skills will build their self-confidence.
Help your mentee understand that people who make things look easy do not get there by being lucky. They were not born with unique skills. They had to work hard to gain the highly effective skills that led to confidence.
Why do you agree or disagree with the American writer and philosopher William James, who said, “I will act as if what I do makes a difference?”
What would you recommend to someone who seems to lack self-confidence?
Think of a leader. What characteristics does the leader have which makes them stand out?
Do you have a vision or dream? What purposeful and exact actions can you take now that will lead to achieving your dream?
What would you have to do before a speech or presentation to make you feel confident?
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